We’ve got the green light to open again, great news!

We’re back open on the 3rd December, and as of writing, Devon is in the “Tier 2” bracket. This doesn’t change our approach to how we run. We will still be creating a safe and welcoming environment to train in.

We’ll still be super vigilant in maintaining high cleaning and hygiene standards, implementing social distancing and limiting our class sizes/limiting the amount of people in The Studio at once.

Our risk assessment (link can be found at the bottom of this page) has been tweaked slightly but ultimately the key points remain the same…

– Anyone entering The Studio must wash their hands and/or use alcohol hand gel
– All equipment must be wiped down after use using anti-viral wipes or spray.
– Social distancing must be practiced at all times
– We’ll be following up-to-date advice from the government and UKActive on best practices.

NLFitness Coronavirus Risk Assessment V3 (Dec2020)

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Stay strong and see you soon!